In collaboration with renowned Scandinavian artist Evelina Kroon, LAYERED presents a collection that explores the boundary between art and interior design. Referencing traditional women's craftsmanship, four rugs are presented balancing a tight graphic expression with a daring color palette. The result is a collection that conveys both timelessness and a confident modern statement at the same time.
The rugs presented by Evelina Kroon x LAYERED in the "A Walk in the Park" collection are inspired by the impressions of a transforming park - from the beautiful flowers and rains of spring to the changing and decrepit shades of autumn. This collection is introduced with the hope of reminding us that interior design can be fun, challenging and beautiful. Where tradition, history and the present are intertwined in a collection that will stand the test of time.
Decorating your home with one of these artistic quality rugs is the promise of an original interior style, full of panache, and right on trend. The rugs from the "A Walk in the Park" collection are part of LAYERED's artistic integrity, which combines the experience of craftsmanship and the affirmation of creativity.
Add these rugs to your interior design collection for a touch of modernism and artistic sophistication that only the artisanal expertise of Evelina Kroon can provide. Order now and make your home a true artistic masterpiece.